A200, History of American Capitalisms

Response sheet 1, for lecture class, Tuesday

1.  According to these two recent Pew surveys, what are some key differences in attitudes toward “capitalism” and “socialism” between a younger generation such as 20-somethings, and an older generation such as 50-somethings.

2.  Adichie encountered a college roommate in the United States who, before meeting Adichie, had certain preconceptions about what she must be like.  What were some of those preconceptions?  Where do you think that those preconceptions could have come from?

3.  Adichie confesses to two times that she herself fell into the trap of having an inappropriate “single story,” once when she was growing up in Nigeria, and once when she was living in the United States.  What had she misunderstood in each case?

4.  The TED talk audience appreciated the humor of Adichie’s mention of a well-known 1991 American novel, American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis (there is also a 2000 film based on the book).  Why did she mention the novel, for a laugh?