A235, History of American Empire

Response sheet 7, for class, Tuesday

This week we will be investigating the history of the United States with respect to Canada.  As with the cases of Greenland and Panama, there are many angles from which to investigate this history, and we will have time to cover only a portion of a long and complex history.  Once again, our task will be to assemble a kind of briefing report to provide historical background, carrying forward, for those in positions of authority and influence.

There is no right or wrong answer to the questions below.  These questions are meant only to establish a starting point for our investigation this week.  Indeed, the point is for you to record only what you know, without looking anything up.

1.  How are new states admitted into the United States?

2.  What were pre-“states” before they became states in the United States?

3.  What non-“states” are administered by the United States?  What legal basis do they have, if not as among the 50 states?