H750, Graduate Seminar in U.S. History, Spring 2025

Prof. Konstantin Dierks


CLASS PARTICIPATION.  Because this course is an intensive seminar, its success depends on your regular attendance and your active and civil participation in discussion of the readings and peer review of each other’s writing.  You should every class session be prepared to make specific, thoughtful, and well-informed contributions to discussion.

READING ASSIGNMENTS.  Reading will feature books and articles dealing more broadly with the research and writing of history, plus some articles to be selected by you with regard to your intellectual interests.  Readings can be found as ebooks via IUCAT, and/or under Files in Canvas.  There is no requirement to purchase books.

If you find yourself needing or wishing to order any books, you might consider patronizing Bloomington’s independent bookshops:  Redbud Books or Morgenstern Books.

WRITING ASSIGNMENTS.  We will create a trajectory of writing from article interrogation, to project proposal, to working outline, to rough drafts, to presentation, to final draft.  All are to be submitted via Canvas.

GRADE.  Classroom participation constitutes 20% of your grade, and the research and writing trajectory 80%.

ASSISTANCE.  If at any time during the semester you have questions about the course or your performance in it, please feel free to email for an appointment.

If you have any kind of accessibility issue, please provide the professor with official written notification from Accessible Educational Services (Eigenmann Hall 001) as soon as possible so that any necessary accommodations can be made.

International students may find resources at the Office of International Services (Ferguson International Center).

If any difficult situation confronts you in your personal life and affecting your academic life, please avail yourself of a range of university services found at:  Graduate School Bloomington / Student Life & Support.

If you experience or witness any bias-based incident — i.e., any any act of discrimination or harassment based on race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability — you can report it to the Division of Student Affairs via:  Bias Incident Reporting.