History of American Capitalisms

Response sheet 2, for class, Thursday

1.  Steven G. Marks extends upon Archibald MacLeish’s 1949 argument that the American way of thinking had been effectively conquered by the Soviet Union, an argument which still manages to resonate long after the end of the Cold War, to the present day.  How did the way Americans defined “capitalism” change over the course of the 20th century, according to Marks?

2.  This week’s readings concern the peculiar hegemony of certain ideas, such as “the economy” and “capitalism,” upon our imaginations, with the effect of limiting those imaginations and foreclosing alternative possibilities.  These ideas are bids for power, even as they pretend somehow to be magically real.  Instead, however, they are cultural constructions which change over time, and which also involve the assembly and consolidation of real material power in favor of certain interests.  That is certainly true of the prevailing neoliberal form of capitalism even as it falls under increasing challenge in our present day, which is very different from previous forms of capitalism in American history.  So, how do you think your “economy” and your “capitalism” might be rather different in the early 21st century compared to your parent’s “economy” and “capitalism,” when they were your age in the latter 20th century?  (You might ask them what they think, from their perspective, and then reflect upon what you think, from your perspective.  Always ask the question “why?” several times, of them, and of yourself.)....