History of American Capitalisms

Response sheet 19, before class, Tuesday

Last week I presented the materials organized into main analytical themes, for the sake of clarity but also for the sake of analysis.  I then asked you to apply the same analytical mode to your own research projects.  In your research papers you will not merely be describing something, superficially.  Rather, you will be analyzing the evidence you found in your sources, in-depth.  You will be giving your materials shape, coherence, and significance.  Above all, you will be focused on what mattered to people in the past, and what matters to you in the present.  (Mere description does not suffice.)

So, what are your two or three or four main analytical themes?  (I did two last week, but three is classic, and four is sometimes necessary.)  Tell me about each of your analytical themes, and why you chose those to analyze your materials....