History of American Capitalisms

Response sheet 25, in-class writing, Tuesday

Today we will look at some writing techniques toward your revision of your research papers, and we will consider change over time in order to set up our visit on Thursday to the Wylie House Museum.

1.  Let’s pretend that you can travel back in time, to more primitive times in the past.  Let’s pretend that more primitive time in the past is the year when you were born.  What would someone with today’s “modern” assumptions feel was peculiar, primitive, inconvenient, and unsatisfactory about life back in those olden days when you were born?  Would anything be better back then, or would everything be worse?  Or would it simply be the same as now?

2.  The other article is premised on a technological fetish — the idea that technology is the main measure of human progress.  Looking back at the historical intervals highlighted in the article, which interval do you think saw the greatest transformation (whether positive or negative, or both together) in everyday life?  Which technology do you think had the greatest effect on everyday life?

3.  What elements of life does a technological fetish leave out — especially when it is uncritically associated with “progress”?

4.  What about 2022?  What do you think is transforming life, for better or worse?  And what is not being transformed, that one might want to be transformed?