History Capstone Seminar

Research proposal for week 1


1.  What topic, part of the world, and time period would you like to work on for your research project?

2.  What is your main interest/passion in life?  I.e., what can’t you stop noticing, thinking about, reading about, talking about, et cetera?

3.  How is your passion reflected, either directly or indirectly, in the research project that you are considering for this semester?  (My aim is that you work on something that you really, really care about.)

4.  How might someone else — who is interested in their own thing, not your thing — manage to see what’s important and inspirational about your research topic?

5.  How does your research topic address something that is currently missing from our historical knowledge?

6.  How does your research topic question some aspect of life that is unquestioned in our society/culture?

7.  What happens to your research topic when you put it into an overly ambitious book title as follows: "[Topic] and the Making of the Modern World"?

8.  Finally, who will be your faculty mentor who has expertise about your topic, and with whom you will be meeting twice this semester?

Here is the History Department faculty.

Once you have made a selection, I will confirm that any given faculty member is available and not on research leave or administrative service.